Where to begin....I've put off writing about Miss Riley for so long because it was so hard to say good bye to her, and I feared it would be just as hard to write about her. I was right. She touched me in ways I never thought possible, and 100% confirmed, I'm doing EXACTLY what I was meant to do. Thinking about her still brings a smile to my face. Thinking too long, and I almost start to cry. We were all (especially Tucker) so sad to see her go...
I picked Riley up from Kansas City Pet Project on February 10 after work. I instantly fell in love. She was SO CUTE! In the car she seemed sweet and the look on her face told me all I needed to know...she knew she had been saved and would never have to go back to some yucky, old shelter.
Just after arriving home... |
I got her home and quickly realized this super cute, super sweet girl was also EXTREMELY shy and scared. It was pretty obvious her previous life hadn't been too great. She hid in the bathroom and flinched anytime you would raise your hand to pet her. Loud noises scared her. Due to the dry weather, there was a lot of static electricity floating around our house, and a little shock sent her running. My heart ached for her, but I knew I had eight days to change her life.

Riley also liked to hide in the kennel. Tucker was so intrigued by this new addition, but couldn't quite get to her when she was in the kennel. Heidi hadn't been the most friendly, but Riley seemed right up his alley! Finally he would have a playmate! What he didn't understand is this timid little girl wasn't quite ready for his antics. He tried and tried to coax her out of the kennel, but she wasn't having it.
The first night was a bit tough. I slept downstairs with her (she wouldn't go near the stairs) and she wouldn't leave my side. She acted as though she hadn't eaten in days. Getting her food out was the first spark of happiness we saw in her. She would dance around and turn in circles when it was feeding time. She couldn't get enough! She ran anytime Billy got too close. She was clearly scared of men. Eventually she would let him pet her if he took it very slow. But she would always look back to me as if to ask, "Is this okay, mom?" We were bonded. She knew I had saved her.
After her shower |
Saturday morning brought about a whole new dog! Riley was starting to wag her tail and would follow me wherever I went, other than upstairs. Stairs were a whole new thing to her and quite scary! We decided not to mess with them for the time being. She was a bit matted and dirty from the shelter, so I gave her a bath. While soaking wet, I saw JUST how thin she was. Shelters are stressful, but I still had a week to fatten her up. I also realized that this sweet fur ball has a TON of hair! 45 minutes with the blow dryer and she was still damp! But letting me bath and dry her, showed me that in just 24 hours, she had already learned she could trust me.

Saturdays are usually pretty laid back around our house, and this day was no exception. MU played that afternoon so we all settled in to watch it. I was curled up on the couch with Riley, and quickly fell asleep. I guess Tucker decided to join us...I woke up and Billy was so eager to show me this picture...it is BY FAR my favorite of the week. She was FINALLY feeling comfortable.
Best Buddies! |
The week brought new firsts for this sweet girl...the first time we came home from being gone and she jumped all over us both because she was so excited! the first day we had no accidents in the house. the first time she went up the stairs. Tucker was SUCH a great teacher. He really showed her the ropes. She still wasn't so sure about the whole "playing" thing, and sometimes would snap at him. Clearly, she had never played before, so she wasn't quite sure what to do. Tucker kept messing with her, and eventually she got it!
Both dogs in bed with us |
By Wednesday, Tucker and Riley were inseparable. She followed him everywhere. Eventually, she would go up to Billy for a good head scratch all on her own. She was a completely different dog.
Friday was Tucker's first birthday. To celebrate, Billy and I had a steak dinner while the pups had T-Bone in gravy food mixed in with their puppy chow. They were in heaven! We also had a birthday cake and some other treats. Both pups loved it! We will always remember Riley for being here to celebrate Tucker's first birthday with us.
Off to her new life! |
Riley's transport was set to leave for Minnesota on the 18th at 8 am. That day came way too quickly for us. Friday evening the list came and they had Riley on the "alert list" as scared and timid, with the potential to run. We had to chuckle, as they sure didn't know what they were getting themselves in to! Tucker had taught her to be wild and crazy, and to love anyone she meets. Sending her off in transport van was way harder than I ever anticipated. We had to wait a bit at the kennel as she was going to be one of the last ones loaded in. We walked around the property and I kept telling her what a good girl she was and how lucky her new family would be. I prayed she wouldn't think I was abandoning her like all those humans before. Finally, her time came, and she was loaded up and on her way! I received updates along the way and all that she encountered said she was just a doll. I know that is in large part to the time she spent with us. The ride home was quiet and tear filled. I continually reminded myself that we had saved her life and finally given her the love she deserved. I know she's in a great new home in Minnesota, enjoying all that living up north has to offer. What I didn't expect to come home to was one sad pup. Tucker kept looking around as if to say, "Mom, where is my friend? What did you do with her?" He just didn't get it. He laid around and was in a funk for a couple days. Luckily it warmed up early the next week, so he was able to get out on a walk with Mom & Dad. He also got ALL of our love and attention, instead of having to share. He's now back to the same crazy pup he was before!
Playtime!!! |
Riley changed my life. I understand how crazy that sounds, given that we only had her for a week, but I can assure you it's true. When you take in a dog that had so obviously been the victim of terrible things, you never know how it will turn out. She completley changed while in our care, and although I didn't know it was happening, changed me. Fostering can really make you question humanity. These poor pups just want some love and attention, and instead are neglected, abused, and forgotten. But the most amazing part of it all, is that even after experiencing the unfathomable, they can learn to love and trust again. Putting Riley on that transport was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do...but my tears and sadness were selfish. I was sad for me, not her. My work was done, and she was now off to bigger and better things. That frees up space in my home to get my "next" Riley. She was our first non-overnight foster, and definitely won't be our last.
Riley was adopted February 25, 2012, in to what I consider to be the luckiest family (other than ours!) in the world. They no doubt have one of the sweetest dogs I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She was able to go in to foster care until her forever family came. We miss you, Miss Riley, but know that you are doing great!!
Riley's picture from Midwest Animal Rescue & Services (MARS).
She is now known as "Robbie Jo". |