Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Catching Up Part 2

After Joe left, I received desperate plea from Katie needing fosters...again, we had agreed to take a break, so Billy was less than thrilled at the idea of welcoming a new foster in to the house.  But of course I got him to cave--I PROMISED it would be the last one for three weeks.  Wendall was supposed to be with us for about 2 weeks, but Katie worked her magic, and Wendall wasn't with us long...4 or 5 days, I think. I have pictures and will upload soon. :)  He was a sweetheart though, just like all of the pups we get.  We sent him off to Colorado, and not two days later, received this note from Retriever Rescue of Colorado...

I just wanted to let you know that Wendall was adopted this afternoon!  That was fast!  We had so many people interested in him that we could have adopted him out about a dozen times!  What a good boy!  Wendall is such a wonderful dog and I'm hoping we'll be able to take dozens more!

For those that wonder how I can send my fosters on to rescue...this is why.  He got a great home, and I was able to open my home to this guy....

Meet Barley. 
Barley came from Joplin, MO, where he had been dumped with his littermates...one of them was adopted and the others were off to rescue, leaving this little man behind.  A fellow rescuer, Sandi emailed me pictures, and we just could NOT say no to this face.  We took him in just 24 hours after saying good bye to Wendall. 

Barley headed to Colorado as well...he was too fun for the few days we had him, but we quickly remembered how hard it was to have a puppy!  Sleepless nights and lots of messes to clean up.  Here's some pictures from his stay....

Tucker was a bit confused as to why Barley took his ball....

Wiped out after play time...

I mean, who could say no to this?!?!

After bath time...
Saying bye to Barley, meant it was break time!  Tucker got lots of attention...lots of walks...daycare visits, trips to the Grandparents, etc.  Little did we know a new little guy would enter our lives much sooner than anticipated...

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